
Student Led Clubs and Organizations Survey

Do you give permission for your answers to be anonymously used in research?
Name of College
Why would you attend a club for the first time? Check all that apply:
If you marked "other," please explain:
How did you learn about the clubs that you visited? Check all that apply:
Rate how effective these strategies are for getting you to visit a club:
A friend tells you about the club.
You learn about the club at a college fair.
You see a poster or receive a flyer/handout.
You see the club on social media like Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook
You see a t-shirt featuring the club.
A professor tells you about the club.
You receive an email about the club.
You find the club on a list on the university website.
A friend asks you to attend with them.
Rate these possible reasons for continuing to attend a club:
The club applies to my major.
I feel a part of this group.
Good use of my time.
I'm interested in this club and its activities.
Club activities enhance my college experience professionally.
Club activities enhance my college experience socially.
The food is good.
I like being part of the club traditions.
I have time.
The club meeting time and place are convenient.
I like the people in the club.
The club activities resonate with me.
The club has an important purpose.
Club activities are fun.
The club activities make me healthier physically.
The club activities help me grow intellectually.
The club activities help me grow spiritually.
The club activities make me healthier emotionally.
The club activities help me to be more diverse.
If you marked "other," please explain:
What would make you consider applying for leadership? Mark all that apply.
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