Non-Credit Course Proposal

Questions marked with a * are required
Contact Information
Mailing Address
Are you a UT employee?
Suggested Course Title
Briefly describe your proposed course.
(Please email a lesson plan to
Please describe your qualifications to teach this course.
(Please email a résumé to [email protected].)
List the specific skills, knowledge, and/or aptitudes that a student should be able to demonstrate in order to satisfactorily complete your course.
Write a brief course description.
(This may be edited.)
When would you like to teach this course? (Date, Time, Number of Sessions)
Many of our students are working adults, so if you would like to teach in the evening, we recommend starting the course around 6:00 PM or later and ending by 9:00 PM. Courses may be offered on one day or over several weeks or months.
Most UT Non-Credit courses are taught at the UT Conference Center in downtown Knoxville. If you would like to teach a course at an alternate location, it must go through an approval process.
Where would you like to teach this course?
What is your minimum class size for adequate interaction?
What is your maximum class size?
Please list any materials needed for this course and include an estimated cost.
Room Needs
Room Set
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