Checkpoint 1 Application
Exit Survey
Questions marked with a
are required
Last Name
First Name
Email Address-
Full Address- number, street, city, state, zip code
Degree Level
Are you a transfer student?
Where did you transfer from?
Did you or will you earn an Associate of Science (AS) or an Associate of Art (AA)?
Please indicate the Area of Initial Licensure/Content Area Sought.
-- Select --
Biology 6-12 (126)
Chemistry 6-12 (127)
Early Childhood PreK-3 and Special Education Early Childhood PreK-3 (459)
Earth Science 6-12 (128)
Economics 6-12 (130)
Elementary Education K-5 (120) and ESL PreK-12 (490)
English 6-12 (159)
French 6-12 (163) or PreK-12 (491)
Geography 6-12 (131)
Government 6-12 (132)
Health and Wellness K-12 (419) and Physical Education K-12 (420)
History 6-12 (133)
Instrumental/General Music K-12 (429)
Math 6-12 (125)
Middle Grades English Language Arts 6-8 (121)
Middle Grades Math 6-8 (122)
Middle Grades Science 6-8
Middle Grades Social Sciences 6-8 (124)
Physics 6-12 (129)
Spanish 6-12 (130) or PreK-12 (495)
Special Education Comprehensive K-12 (461)
Special Education Interventionist K-8 (144)
Theatre K-12 (405)
Visual Arts K-12 (427)
Vocal/General Music K-12 (428)
Test Requirement: Please select the following as it applies to you.
I have met the State Testing requirement with the ACT/ACTR score of 21 or higher
I have met the State Testing requirement with the SAT score of 1020 or higher
I have met the State Testing requirement with the Praxis Core Knowledge with Scores of 150, 156, and 162 or higher on the Math, Reading, and Writing portions, respectively.
I have not yet met the state testing requirement
Preliminary Statement of Background Check. Please select as appropriate.
I have been convicted of a felony
I have been convicted of a misdemeanor
Please Explain
I understand that:
- False statements on this application may lead to disqualification from consideration for admission to the program or to my subsequent disqualification from the program.
- I must meet the GPA requirements outlined within my program check sheet, which states I have a cumulative GPA of 2.75. I understand that if the state changes this requirement before I graduate, I will need to meet the new GPA requirement for licensure.
- I cannot proceed within the TEP program with a grade lower than a “C” in any content or education course. (Content courses vary for each major, so please check your program check sheet to determine content courses)
I understand that:
- I must meet the SOE’s testing requirements, which is listed under Checkpoint 1.
- I understand I must meet one of the following minimum testing requirements: ACT(21), SAT (1020), or Praxis Core (Writing/162, Math/150, and Reading/156).
- I must adhere to the School of Education’s professionalism guidelines as listed in the School of Education dispositions, which can be found on the UTC School of Education website. This includes, but is not limited to: maintaining professional dress, professional behavior, and professional communication in all clinical placement experiences.
- Work completed during my program of study may be used for accreditation purposes and I give my permission for its use.
- As part of TEP, I will participate in clinical experiences. Prior to entering any type of clinical experience, I will read the Clinical Experience Handbook ( and follow all policies and procedures outlined in it and in UTC’s Code of Conduct.
- Once admitted I must maintain the minimum TEP requirements and continue to demonstrate the dispositions of an effective educator
Background Check Release Agreement
I hereby authorize the Tennessee Board of Education and the Tennessee Department of Education to perform a criminal history records check on me through a qualified Tennessee licensed private investigation company.
I hereby authorize the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to conduct a criminal history records check on me. I further authorize the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to release to the University of Tennessee the results of any criminal history records check.
I understand that if I am a student, the results of such investigations and/or background checks may affect my acceptance into teacher training programs at The University of Tennessee.
Disclosure Requirements:
I understand that candidates MUST provide full disclosure to the SOE within 5 days of any misdemeanor or felony conviction that occurs after initial background check.
By signing below you agree to the terms above and have answered all questions correctly and to the best of my ability.
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